Home > AquaFarm


The AquaFarm (45x45cm ,35L) was created more than 30 years ago by GHE, in California. 
These pots have several applications: in nurseries or indoor gardens for mother plants and collectibles, in the house for decorative or culinary plants of all sizes, or in the kitchen for aromatic herbs to use fresh while cooking.
They are used in research labs and universities worldwide.
You can place them everywhere, in a sitting room, an office, a veranda or a greenhouse.
This is a true hybrid hydro/dripponics system.
Great for motherplants and exotics. A good mid level (silver) hydro starter system.
Plants are grown within a chamber filled with clay pebbles. The growing chamber is suspended above a reservoir filled with nutrient-enriched water. An air pump drives the nutrient solution up through the “pumping column”, to the drip-ring,where it then drips down through clay pebbles. This infuses the nutrient with oxygen and constantly bathes the roots, stimulating the plant to grow like you have never seen before.
Technically similar to the WaterFarm, the AquaFarm differs only in size and price.


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